About me
Hi, my name’s Tomasz Melcer and I’m a software engineer with about 15 years of commercial experience, a bit more if you count doing IT as a hobby. Some selected entries in my history:
- I worked for a bioinformatics startup working on cancer diagnostics.
- I did big data analytics for cloud system observability.
- I worked on mobile radio network configuration systems.
- I used to do actual science (1, 2, among others).
- I used to be a machine learning consultant and instructor, working on problems like customer retention, diabetics, credit scoring, or railway engineering.
- I helped maintain services for free software projects (tatoeba.org).
- I mentored students as part of the Google’s Summer of Code program (1, 2).
- I used to organize local conferences and meetups (Data Science Wrocław).
- I am a frequent speaker at local meetups and conferences (some of the fresh ones: 1, 2, 3).
I strive to be a generalist, some of the technologies I have first-hand experience include:
- Python (started with 2.3, now working almost full-time on a modern Python codebase).
- JVM-based programming languages like Java and Kotlin (with, let say, mostly passive knowledge about Scala).
- Non-GC languages like C, C++, some bits of assembly language (hobbistically working on the fastest-this-side-of-earth implementation of random forests in C++).
- TeX/LaTeX (what do you mean TeX is Turing-complete?).
- Some bits of golang (one small open source patch on record), Elm, Javascript, Prolog (my masters thesis was on Prolog!), Perl, etc.
- Databases like Postgresql, Microsoft SQL Server, Snowflake, Apache Druid, Elasticsearch, Redis, with some close ecounters of the 3rd kind with a bunch of others.
- Frameworks like Django, Apache Camel, Apache Spark, Spring.
- Data science/operations research algorithms like Gradient-Boosted Trees, Mixed-Integer Programming, etc.
- Old-school sysadmin stuff (using Debian as my sole OS for all my side projects in the last 20 years).
Some of them I know in-depth, some less that I would wish…
I like board games, Japanese doujin electronica music, and learning (human) languages (though admitably I don’t really have much time to do it—so time consuming!).
You can usually meet me on Wrocław IT meetups, some of the ones I frequently attend are: